

Take back the Land

¿Algunas respuestas a la crisis económica y de vivienda? Veamos lo que está pasando en los Estados Unidos.

'There is a clash between two rights, one is the right of human beings to have housing, and the other is the right of corporations to make profit...'. Este choque es parte de lo que Max Rameau, el portavoz del movimiento 'Take Back the Land' discute en la entrevista arriba en Democracy Now.

'Take back the Land' es un movimento en EEUU que busca atender las necesidades de vivienda de comunidades impactadas por el 'gentrification' y principalmente busca reivindicar 'el derecho a la tierra' de comunidades negras. El movimiento ha impulsado activa y abiertamente movilizaciones para la toma u ocupación 'ilegales' de viviendas en EEUU, incluyendo la toma de viviendas re-poseidas. 

El NYT reporta sobre algunas de las ocupaciones en la ciudad de Miami. Vea el reportaje: More Squatters are calling foreclosures home.

Abajo dejo la misión y los objetivos de 'Take Back the Land' (disculpen que no tradujera).

El tema es fascinante, vivo, increiblemente vivo. Ya no hay que inventarse ejemplos para la clase de Derechos Reales, nada más hay que asomarse por la ventana...


-People of African descent have been systematically denied control of land in their communities- from slavery to sharecropping to segregation to the current gentrification and displacement of our communities.

-Elected officials and high ranking bureaucrats have sold out the black community in favor of enriching already wealthy and politically connected developers.

-We assert our right to the land in our community and to use public space for the public good- specifically, to house, feed and provide community space for the poor, particularly in low income black communities. As such, we are Taking Back the Land and empowering the black community, not the politicians, to determine how to use land for the benefit of the community.

-Our struggle is fundamentally one of land, and control over that land. We take inspiration from and support our sisters and brothers across the globe engaged in similar struggles for control over land for the benefit of the people.


-Take Back the Land pursues three core political objectives:

1. First, feed and house people. Taking control of land to feed and house those impacted by the crisis of gentrification and low-income housing is the ultimate in public space for public good.

2. Second, assert our right to control the land in our community. This movement is not fundamentally about homelessness or even housing: it is about land. We contend that the land in the black community is not the domain of wealthy developers or the politicians who do their bidding. The land belongs to the people in the black community. As such, the people have the right to control the land and its uses.

3. Third, build a new society. Instead of replicating the power and social relationships of the broader society in a smaller setting, we build a new society in which people relate to one another differently and the power to make decisions about the Village is centered on them, not the politicians.