

En Oxford: Understanding Neoliberal Legality (CfP)

CfP: Understanding Neoliberal Legality | Workshop, Oxford University, 21 June 

Workshop: Perspectives on the Use of Law By, For, and Against the Neoliberal Project

Buy HappinessWhilst neo­lib­eral insti­tu­tional and eco­nomic reforms have attrac­ted sub­stan­tial schol­arly atten­tion in recent dec­ades, the role of law in the neo­lib­eral story has been rel­at­ively neg­lected. Yet law, broadly under­stood, fea­tures in vari­ous prom­in­ent aspects of the content, form, and mode of the neo­lib­eral pro­ject and of efforts to res­ist it. This day-​long work­shop at the Uni­ver­sity of Oxford will draw together estab­lished and emer­ging schol­ars research­ing vari­ous aspects of the role of law in the con­struc­tion and con­test­a­tion of neoliberalism.
The ques­tions and dilem­mas to be inter­rog­ated in the workshop’s dis­cus­sions include the following:
• In what ways has neo­lib­eral restruc­tur­ing shaped and been shaped by estab­lished legis­lat­ive, judi­cial, and penal pro­cesses?
• How is law engaged by the neo­lib­eral state in its rela­tions with dis­sent?
• To what extent have the sites at which social change can be pur­sued been altered by neo­lib­eral policy and ideo­logy, or remained the same?
• What are the pos­sib­il­it­ies and chal­lenges facing polit­ical groups or move­ments that choose to engage the law in neo­lib­eral times? What about those that choose to break the law?
• How has the neo­lib­eral period cla­ri­fied or com­plic­ated our under­stand­ing of the nature of law and of lib­eral legality?
The range of schol­ar­ship address­ing aspects of these import­ant ques­tions at the nexus of neo­lib­er­al­ism and leg­al­ity spans a panoply of the­or­et­ical and empir­ical ana­lysis of the ways in which law is broken, upheld, and sub­ver­ted by, for, and against the neo­lib­eral pro­ject in the UK and abroad. Potential paper top­ics reflect­ing this diversity include, but are not lim­ited to, the fol­low­ing themes:
• the­or­isa­tions of social move­ment strategy with respect to law
• crim­in­al­isa­tion of dis­sent
• cri­tiques and pos­sib­il­it­ies of human rights act­iv­ism
• cur­rent left gov­ern­ments as law­makers
• the­or­et­ical inter­ven­tions on the nature of (neo­lib­eral) law
• new con­sti­tu­tion­al­ism
• dis­cip­lin­ary logics of late cap­it­al­ism
• intensi­fy­ing impacts of power and priv­ilege on access to legal chan­nels
• law and order agenda
• crim­in­al­isa­tion of poverty
• state of excep­tion
• cur­rent trends in police repres­sion
• media rep­res­ent­a­tions of protest
• migra­tion and ‘illegal’ personhood
Inter­ested par­ti­cipants should send their name, insti­tu­tional affil­i­ation, and an abstract of a max­imum of 250 words to honor.​brabazon@​politics.​ox.​ac.​uk by 20 May, 2013. The work­shop intends to ini­ti­ate ongo­ing dia­logue and col­lab­or­a­tion, and it is hoped that selec­ted pro­ceed­ings from the work­shop will be pub­lished as a spe­cial issue or edited volume. Regrettably, we can­not cover the cost of travel or accom­mod­a­tion for par­ti­cipants, but we will provide a lunch and cof­fee break dur­ing the workshop.