

Recomendamos: Notes on an 'Open' Constituent Power (Illan Wall)

Dejo el abstract y las palabras clave. Illan Wall es profesor de la Universidad de Warwick (UK) y autor del blog Critical Legal Thinking. Trabaja los temas de Derecho y Teoría Constitucional, Teoría crítica del Derecho y el discurso de los derechos humanos. Además, aborda desde el Derecho los trabajos de autores como Agamben, Ranciere, Jean Luc Nancy y Negri.

Notes on an 'Open' Constituent Power


This paper examines the critical responses to the question of constituent power. Instead of providing a foundation for the constituted order, the paper looks at the various ways in which constituent power can be viewed as ‘open’ and undetermined. It looks at two issues in particular: the ‘subject’ of constituent power, and the nature of the ‘power’ involved. Surveying various critical theorists of the constituent moment, the paper concludes on the various difference within such open textured theory.

Keywords: Constituent Power, Constitutionalism, The People, The Multitude, Potentia, Virno, Laclau, Agamben, Ranciere, Negri, Dussel